Great Tit - Bird Knowledge

Great Tit, a common passerine bird in the Paridae family, is widespread in Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Palearctic to the Amur River. It has a distinctive appearance with a black head, white cheeks, olive upperparts, and yellow underparts. In summer, it feeds mainly on insects but diversifies its diet in winter, even consuming small hibernating bats.

Basic Info:
- Scientific Name: Parus major
- Lifespan: About three years
- Size: 4.9-5.5 inches
- Weight: 0.49-0.77 ounces
- Wingspan: 8.85-10.03 inches
Great Tits are adaptable, found in woodlands, parks, and gardens. They occupy most of the UK, central Asia, southern Russia, and northwest Africa. In east Asia, they're replaced by the related Japanese Tit, and in south Asia, by the Cinereous Tit.
Popular in gardens due to acrobatic feeding, Great Tits willingly use nest boxes, making them valuable in ornithology. They breed monogamously, establishing territories from late January with defense starting in late winter or early spring. They nest in tree holes or occasionally walls/rock faces, with the female building the nest using various materials. Clutch size is usually 5-12 eggs, sometimes up to 18, and the female handles incubation, fed by the male.